etwinning project – Corriere dei Giovani

This year our year 11 students studying Italian collaborated in an eTwinning project with three other schools: Scuola Secondaria I Grado ICS Don Lorenzo Milani, Monte Porzio Catone Italia, Wladyslaw Jagietto scuola secondaria Plock Polonia and St Michael Secondary school, Santa Venera Malta.  The name of the project was Corriere dei Giovani.  During this project students were presented with different articles related to their tastes and age and developed in that particular month. Once the articles were tackled in class students had to collaborate together by creating “blogs” on Twinspace in which they reacted about the article. Our students also had the opportunity to meet their European friends through teleconferencing and could ask questions they had directly. Finally the students created an eBook which we are sharing with this post. (